Permanent Silver Tarnish Prevention - Made in USA
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Do I need the 3M Anti-Tarnish Strips?

Barbara Burgeson

Occasionally we are asked if it is necessary to include one of the 3M Anti-Tarnish Strips in a Pacific Silvercloth® Zippered Bag. I think this comes up for some people as there have been plain, brown flannel zippered bags on the market that do not have the embedded silver particles found in Pacific Silvercloth®. Because of this, the seller suggests that the customer purchase the strips along with the bag.

Our response, of course, is that the 3M Anti-Tarnish Strips are not necessary as Pacific Silvercloth® is a true tarnish-preventative fabric all on its own due to its embedded silver particles. These silver particles 'catch' the hydrogen sulfides in the air as it passes through the fabric and thus prevent the stored silver from the tarnishing effect of the hydrogen sulfides and other pollutants in the air.

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  • Rosanne on

    can these bags be washed?

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